
Good Friend How-to

Good Friend How-to

• Which of your friends do you trust the most?

• What does it mean to be trustworthy?

A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.
Proverbs 11:13

What does it mean to be a good friend? Part of being a good friend is honoring your friend’s trust. If someone confides in you, be grateful for that person’s trust, and honor it by keeping secrets secret. Never betray your friends’ trust by gossiping about them or sharing their secrets.

However, if a friend ever tells you that they are in danger or that someone is hurting them, you need to tell a trustworthy adult, such as a parent or teacher, immediately. Friends protect each other, and if you know that a friend is being abused, bullied or threatened, you need to tell someone who can help. Similarly, if a friend is hurting themselves or doing something dangerous, then you need to tell someone who can help. This is not gossiping or tattling. This is being a good friend.

Being a good friend means looking out for your friends.

Dear God, thank you for our friends. Please help us to be good friends. Help us to honor our friends’ trust. Amen.


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