
How To Be A God-pleaser

How To Be A God-pleaser

• Do you know anyone who is hard to please?

• How do you feel when you’re around hard-to-please people?

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Hebrews 13:16

The Bible makes it clear that there aren’t many ways we can please God. Isaiah 64:6 says our righteous acts—the things we do to make ourselves look like good people—are nothing more than “filthy rags” to God. What does please God, however, is when we help others who are in need.

What if, instead of making wish lists of the things we want to own, we started making wish lists of the things we want to give? We could get information from our church about people in our area who need Christmas gifts to give their kids, a new roof on their house, or a dependable used car. We could research mission organizations about villages that need new wells for drinking water. We could use the money we’d usually spend on ourselves to help those people in need. More importantly, we could please God.

Dear God, thank you for setting the ultimate example of sharing for us. Thank you for sharing your Son so that we may be forgiven for our sins. Amen.


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