


Never Go To Bed Angry


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Never Go To Bed Angry

• Share a time when you were angry about the way someone else was treated. How did you respond?

• Have you ever found yourself just a little bit angry and then felt that anger grow over time?

“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.
Ephesians 4:26-27

Have you ever heard of righteous indignation? This is the kind of anger that we feel toward injustice, cruelty or sin. It is the kind of anger that Jesus expressed in the temple when he flipped over the money changers’ tables. If you are angry because of dishonor shown toward God or others, it is not sinful to express that anger, but it’s still something to be careful about.

If we hold onto any type of anger for any length of time, it can eat away at us. God wants us to be at peace. He doesn’t want us grinding our teeth in anger while we sleep.

The most dangerous part of righteous indignation, as well as any type of anger, is that it can give Satan a place in our lives. The verse says “do not give the devil a foothold.” Do not give Satan any access to your heart or to your thoughts. This can and will lead to sin.

If you do experience righteous indignation, express it in appropriate words. Pray about it and talk about it with those you trust. Use it to galvanize you into action that will honor God. But don’t hold onto it and dwell on. Don’t let it lead you to sin.

Dear God, thank you for giving us your Word to guide and protect us. Please help us to be angry in a righteous way about things that anger you as well. Amen.


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