
New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

• Share some of your New Year’s resolutions.

• Have you discussed your resolutions with God? Why or why not?

My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times.
Psalm 119:20

If you choose to make some New Year’s resolutions, you have countless options. You could resolve to study more. You could resolve to eat healthier or exercise more. You could decide to practice your musical instrument every day or shoot 100 free throws a day.

Or you could resolve to read your Bible every day. If you’re going to make a New Year’s resolution, why not make one that will change every aspect of your life? Why not make a resolution that will have eternal significance for you and for others?

Don’t make this resolution just to make one. Make it prayerfully. Ask God what he thinks about the idea. But do consider it. If you are not already in the Word every day, you will not believe what it will do for you. If you are already in the Word every day, good for you. Resolve to step it up a notch. There are many programs out there designed to help you read the whole Bible in one year. This could be your year!

Dear God, please guide us as we enter into this new year. And God, please give us a hunger for your Word. Let our souls long for it. Amen.


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