
No Matter How Big

No Matter How Big

• Share a time when your parents forgave you for doing something wrong. How did their forgiveness affect your relationship with them?

• Why do you think God forgives us for our sins?

You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you.
Psalm 86:5

Susan was only seven years old when she burned down her family’s house. No one was hurt, but the family lost everything—their home, their car and all of their possessions.

It wasn’t an accident. Susan was angry at her mother, so she took a lighter and started a fire in the laundry hamper. She did not mean to burn the house down, but she did mean to sin. She knew that what she was doing was wrong.

Susan apologized to her mother, but she didn’t think that her mother could ever forgive her. Then one day she overheard her mother telling a friend that she had forgiven Susan. Susan couldn’t believe it. She asked her mother how she possibly could have forgiven her. Her mother wrapped her arms around Susan and said, “Because I love you. Of course I’ve forgiven you.”

It is the same for the children of God. God loves us so much that he sent Jesus to die on a cross and pay the penalty for our sins. God loves us so much that he is willing to forgive us when we make mistakes. No matter how big those mistakes are, God’s love is bigger.

Dear God, thank you for your love. Thank you for your forgiveness. Help us to remember that you do love and forgive us. Amen.


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