
Room For God’s Wrath

Room For God’s Wrath

• What does it mean to be just?

• Give some examples of evidence of God’s power.

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
Romans 12:19

One of the best parts of choosing to live for God is that it sets us free from vengefulness. Feeling vengeful takes up a lot of energy. It hurts us. Anger and scheming wear a person out and are ultimately unsatisfying.

But because we follow God, we never need to seek revenge. God promises us that he will be the Judge. He will avenge. He will repay. Obviously, he will do a far better job of it than we ever could, and we get to leave it in his capable hands. Why would we want to worry about our measly revenge plots when the Lord of all creation is going to take care of all that for us?

When we find it hard to forgive someone, we can remember that God will take care of it. God has set us free from the pain and anger that comes with a grudge. We serve a just God. We can trust that he will take care of it.

Dear God, thank you for being a just God. Thank you for setting us free from vengefulness. Please help us to put our pain and anger in your hands and leave it there. Amen.


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