
The Cornerstone

The Cornerstone

• How do you think most people picture Jesus? How do you picture him?

• How would you explain Isaiah 53:2, which predicted that there would be “nothing in his appearance that we should desire him”?

Jesus is “‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
Acts 4:11-12

After Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension to heaven, his disciples got busy spreading his Word. And people responded in a big way. Thousands came to Christ because of the disciples’ ministry. That didn’t make the Jewish leaders happy. They assumed they had heard the last of Jesus when they had him crucified.

The high priest and other rulers ordered Peter and John, two of Jesus’ disciples, to be arrested and brought to them for preaching about the resurrection. Peter took advantage of the opportunity to remind the Jewish leaders of their mistake. Jesus, the stone they had rejected, had become the cornerstone of salvation—and of a new faith that would change the world.

The Jewish leaders were part of a long line of people who underestimated or misunderstood Jesus. One of his would-be disciples mocked him because of his hometown (see John 1:46). The people of his hometown rejected his teachings because he was just a carpenter’s son (see Matthew 13:53-57). The problem was, Jesus didn’t look or act like people thought the Messiah would look and act. He didn’t live up to their expectations.

People still question him today. As his followers, we should be prepared to open their eyes to the truth about our Savior.

Dear God, thank you for blessing us in unexpected ways. Your ways are higher than our ways. Teach us to trust you even when we are deceived. Amen.


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