
The Faith Lens

The Faith Lens

• What do you think of when you hear the term worldview?

• What does it mean to be transformed?

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2

Taylor was a star basketball player, but she was not a team player. She never passed the ball. She talked down to her teammates, constantly letting them know how lucky they were to have her. And if her coach created a play for someone else to shoot, Taylor refused to execute it.

When Taylor learned about Jesus, everything changed. She realized that life wasn’t all about her. Her behavior changed, but more importantly, her thoughts changed. Even in the midst of competition, her thoughts were focused on glorifying God. She looked for, and found, evidence of God’s image in her teammates.

When we become believers, we adopt a new worldview. Our old ideas get kicked out, and we begin to look at everything through the faith lens. We think about things differently. And if some old attitudes and thoughts do creep in, we need to get rid of them. It is our new worldview that will lead us to God’s perfect will for our lives.

Dear God, thank you for transforming us and renewing our minds. Please help us to always think like believers, as even our thoughts can glorify you. Amen.


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