
The Finite And The Infinite

The Finite And The Infinite

• If you had more time in the day, how would you spend it?

• Name something that lasts a long time.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

If a pickup truck runs for 10 years, we call it long lasting. But we say the same thing about a stick of deodorant that keeps a person dry for 12 hours. If a couple stays together for 50 years, we call it a long marriage. If someone celebrates their 100th birthday, we say they’ve had a long life.

We look at the world around us in a finite way. Things have a beginning and an end. We use time to measure the space between the two. Time is what we understand because it hangs over everything we do in this world. We only have a certain amount of time given to us, a specific number of days, hours and minutes to live our earthly lives. Our daily decisions are driven by the question of whether we have enough time.

Thinking outside of time can be difficult. Yet outside of time is exactly where we’ll be if we receive God’s gift of eternal life. Time itself will end, but we will go on and on. We will exist forever with God—perfectly happy, perfectly healthy and perfectly content.

Dear God, we praise you for being eternal, and we thank you for giving us the same opportunity. Help us understand and appreciate, even in some tiny way, what it means to live with you forever. Amen.


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