
The First Mention Of Jesus

The First Mention Of Jesus

• Where in the Bible is Jesus first mentioned?

• At what point in history did Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross become necessary?

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”
Genesis 3:15

It’s almost Christmas, but let’s go way back to the beginning for a moment. People sometimes think that Jesus first appears on the scene when he is born in Bethlehem, but in Genesis 3:15, we learn that this assumption isn’t even close.

In this verse, God is talking directly to Satan. God tells Satan that he will put hatred between Satan’s offspring and Eve’s offspring. No surprise there. But it’s a little bit more surprising when God says “he will crush your head.” Who is this “he”? Jesus!

Just verses before, we read that humankind had fallen into sin. And already, God is telling Satan that he has a plan. Jesus will crush Satan’s head, while Satan will only be able to strike his heel. Satan did strike Jesus’ heal. He did cause him pain. But that pain was only temporary. Our victory in Jesus is eternal. And it’s been the plan all along.

Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to this earth. Thank you for making us victorious in you. Amen.


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