
The King Of The Nations

The King Of The Nations

• Why is it important to praise Jesus?

• What happens when you neglect to praise him?

“Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the nations.”
Revelation 15:3b

In Revelation 15:3, the people in heaven are playing harps and singing praises to the King of the nations. The scene takes place during the final judgment of the earth, not long before the end of the world. Jesus is on the verge of establishing a new order, and his subjects are glorifying him in song.

Because we often focus on the 33 years Jesus spent dwelling among us on earth, we can lose sight of his eternal nature and his awesome power as the King. The prophet Jeremiah said this about him: “When he is angry, the earth trembles; the nations cannot endure his wrath” (Jeremiah 10:10).

And the one Jeremiah was talking about—the King who has performed great and marvelous deeds and whose anger causes the earth and all of its nations to tremble—is the one who humbly subjected himself to humiliation, torture and death on the cross to save us.

That is the King we follow. That is the Lord we worship.

Dear Lord, you have reigned forever and you will reign forever. We are blessed to call you King and Savior. Thank you for leaving your throne to save us. Amen.


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