
The Light Source

The Light Source

• Why did God create light first?

• When are you thankful for light?

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
Genesis 1:3

Can you imagine the very beginning, when the world was formless, empty and dark? And then God spoke, “Let there be light.” Can you even imagine what a difference there must have been? All of a sudden, there was light throughout the universe.

When we think about the world and thank God for all the good things in it, we don’t usually begin by naming light as a good thing; we think of nature or other people as God’s beautiful creations. How often do we thank God for the sun? For electricity? We take light for granted. It is such a part of our world that we can’t even begin to think of life without it.

Not only did God create physical light for our world, he also created spiritual light. The Bible often uses the word light to represent God’s truth and goodness. This spiritual light illuminates the darkness of our sinful state before we knew God. Without the light of God’s salvation we would exist in the inky blackness of a world lost from God.

Let’s take time to appreciate God’s light, both physical and spiritual, to be in awe of it. Where would we be without God’s light?

Dear God, thank you for light. Prompt us to be grateful for it and remember what it means to our lives. Amen.


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