
The Ones I Look On With Favor

The Ones I Look On With Favor

• Has anyone ever told you that they were sorry, but you could tell that they didn’t really mean it? How can you tell when someone is being insincere?

• What does it mean for God to look on someone “with favor”?

“Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the LORD. “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.”
Isaiah 66:2

In the verse previous to this one, God calls the earth his “footstool.” This helps put things in perspective, doesn’t it? We can try to be a big deal, but our entire world is a footstool to God.

If you ever catch yourself putting what you want ahead of what God wants, remember that he is the one who made you. It’s hard to be arrogant when we remember that God made us. God made it all.

God does not want us to be show-offs. He wants us to be humble and to recognize that he is God. He wants us to be sorry for our sin. He wants us to respect the Bible and everything that it teaches us; he wants us to work to honor his commandments.

God loves all of us, but this verse tells us, “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble.” When we recognize God for the awesome and almighty Creator that he is, when we humble ourselves before him, we receive his favor. And this is a far greater blessing than anything our boasting could accomplish for us.

Dear God, thank you for caring for the humble. Help us to be humble before you. Give us contrite hearts and respect for your Word. Amen.


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