


The Teacher


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The Teacher

• When it comes to learning, what is the worst thing a teacher can do?

• What kind of teaching do you best respond to? Why?

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
John 14:26

Jesus does not always make life easy for his followers. That was as true two thousand years ago as it is today. Many times, instead of giving specific instructions, Jesus would speak in parables; he would tell stories to illustrate particular points. The problem was that a lot of people—including his own disciples at times — could not understand what he was saying.

Christians today still struggle to understand some of his teachings — not to mention a number of other Bible passages. Trying to discover their meanings on our own can be frustrating. Fortunately for us, God sent his Holy Spirit to help us with just that problem.

The Holy Spirit knows not just the meaning of every passage in the Bible; he also knows how each one can have meaning in our lives. And he stands ready to teach us what he knows—if only we’ll ask.

When you study God’s Word, remember that the Holy Spirit—God himself—is standing over your shoulder. If you come to a passage you don’t understand, you can ask him to give you insight and clarity. He is happy to help you. If you really want to understand God’s Word, the Holy Spirit will make it happen.

Dear God, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to teach us your truths. Help us apply your Word to our daily lives. Amen.


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