


The Ultimate Light Source


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The Ultimate Light Source

• What words could you use to describe God?

• What is a stronghold?

The LORD is my light and my salvation — whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life — of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1

God is light. God is truth and joy and safety. When we have God, our light and our salvation, we have nothing to fear. No one can compare to God. God is our stronghold, our place that we go to for comfort, safety, security and protection.

This doesn’t mean that the world won’t scare us. The enemy thrives on fear, and the world is a scary place. But Christians don’t need to succumb to this fear. Christians don’t have to be afraid of the dark. We have the ultimate light source behind us and in front of us. When we have the fortress of God to protect us, no other force stands a chance.

So when you do find yourself afraid, give your fears to God. Talk to him about what you’re feeling and ask him to deliver you from fear. He is always there for you.

Dear God, thank you for being our light and our salvation. Thank you for being our strength and protection. Please deliver us from fear. Amen.


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