
What You Think Matters

What You Think Matters

• Share a time when something you saw in a movie or television show bothered you.

• When you are in a good mood, what kinds of thoughts are you thinking?

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

You’ve probably noticed that thinking about certain things upsets you. While a violent or scary movie may not frighten you while you’re watching it, it may well lead you to think disturbing thoughts after the movie is over. Or while you might find a certain friend fun, spending time with them might leave you feeling uncomfortable with what you’ve been talking about or doing.

God knows this and has given us instructions to help us protect ourselves. When we think thoughts that are pleasing to God, we are happier, healthier and better able to live for God and get his work done.

God tells us to think about what is true. Don’t focus on the world’s lies: that you’re not beautiful enough, that money will make you happy, that you have to follow the crowd. Instead, focus your thoughts on what is noble, pure, lovely and admirable. Think about what is excellent and praiseworthy.

Your thoughts affect your life. God has given you the power to live a better life just by steering your thoughts toward him.

Dear God, thank you for making our thoughts powerful. Please help us to obey this verse and to think on things that please you. Amen.


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