
Where Your Treasure Is

Where Your Treasure Is

• List the presents you got for Christmas last year.

• What do you want for Christmas this year?

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21

Christmas is coming. You know this. Are you already tired of Christmas music and decorations?

With all the hype, it can be very easy to get caught up in the materialism of the season. You are being absolutely pummeled by advertisements and other forms of media, all of them telling you which stuff you should want the most. Everything is bigger, shinier, faster and smarter than last year.

This materialistic philosophy tells us that life is about what we own. But we know life isn’t about stuff. It really doesn’t matter what presents we want or what presents we get. None of that stuff will satisfy. If we get caught up in that mentality, it is never enough, and we always end up wanting more than what we already have.

Where is your heart? Is it with God this Christmas? Where is your treasure? This Christmas, think about what you really want. Think about wanting something that will truly satisfy.

Dear God, we are so grateful that we know the truth, that we know what really matters. Please help us to not get caught up in the mania of the season. Amen.


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