
Who Needs The Doctor?

Who Needs The Doctor?

• Why do we go to the doctor?

• What does it mean to be brokenhearted?

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

This verse from the book of Psalms is one of many Bible verses that teach that God cares about our emotions. He cares when we are hurting. God heals broken hearts.

It can be tempting to think that our problems are too small for God, or that God is too busy for our pain, but this is just not true. God wants us to cast all our cares on him.

Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” (Matthew 9:12). Jesus came to this earth to help, heal and save those who needed him. When we are brokenhearted, we need Jesus, and it is through this broken heart that we can grow closer to him.

When someone shares a testimony, listen closely. Nearly all believers have, at one point or another, experienced God’s healing power. He truly does save those who are crushed in spirit.

Dear God, thank you for caring about our emotions. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to earth to heal the sick. Help us to bring our emotional pain to you. Amen.


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