
Becoming Like Christ In Self-denial

Becoming Like Christ In Self-denial

Whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it … If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory.
Mark 8:35,38

It can be tough to take a stand, to stand out, to stand up. We don’t want to call attention to ourselves. So we try to blend in and lay low. We aren’t ashamed of Jesus and his words, we just don’t want to put them “out there” for people to criticize.


Can’t our faith just be a private matter?

Jesus says no. If we are ashamed to acknowledge him before the people in our lives, he will be ashamed to acknowledge us before his Father. Doesn’t that make your blood run cold?

Far better to be ready to lose whatever you have for the sake of your Lord.

We need to pray that we will be willing to give up everything else for the sake of Jesus and the Good News. Jesus came to deny himself, to lay down his life (see John 10:15). We need to pray that we will never be ashamed of the gospel. When we pray this way, we will find true life.

• You will find true life when you are completely committed to me.

• When you acknowledge me, I will acknowledge you.

You promise, Lord, that we find true life by denying ourselves. Grant me the humility and courage to do so. May I never be ashamed of your gospel.

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