
God Assures Triumph If You Don’t Give Up

God Assures Triumph If You Don’t Give Up

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9

Cara is a stay-at-home mom who fills her life caring for a husband, two active children, assorted friends and neighbors, a pet or two, a rose garden and a little brick bungalow. Her days begin early and end late.


Many nights when her weary head hits the pillow Cara doesn’t have much to show for all her labors. The house doesn’t stay clean very long. The laundry hamper is always overflowing. The needs of loved ones are never ending.

Are my efforts even worth it? she wonders in the darkness. Why do I feel like I’m spinning my wheels?

Cara needs the reassurance of today’s promise: There is a payoff for long-term faithfulness.

Keep doing right. Press on—even when you feel discouraged. God sees. And one day he will reward your diligent efforts.

• Those who keep doing good will reap a harvest of blessing.

Sometimes, Lord, I want to give up. Remind me that you see and reward faithfulness. I want to do right. I want to please you. Help me to persevere. May the knowledge of your goodness keep me going when I feel like quitting.

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