
God Blesses Your Love For Other Believers

God Blesses Your Love For Other Believers

Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
1 Peter 3:8-9

We may live in a world of unbelievers, but we also have many relationships with believers. Peter has some good advice for us because sometimes relationships with fellow believers can be difficult. We have all been saved by grace, but we are all still works in progress. So when frustration and conflict arises between believers, we must all be patient.


At times we may have honest disagreements with other believers. We may not agree about child-rearing or schooling or how to worship or what to wear or how to spend our money. That’s when we need to be willing to let God work in another’s life and in ours as well. God gave us room for lots of disagreement, and we need to learn how to handle it. “Like-minded” does not mean zero disagreements; it means majoring on the truly important things and not nit-picking about the rest.

We need to pray that God will make us positive examples in our relationships with other believers. God promises to bless his people when they treat one another in a Christlike manner.

• I will bless your kindness toward other believers.

• My Spirit will help you act as I desire.

Lord, you promise blessing for your Christians who treat other believers well. Please give me sympathy, love, humility and a tender heart toward others.

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