
God Can Be Found When You Seek Him

God Can Be Found When You Seek Him

After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.
Matthew 14:23

Physical busyness is when we rush to and fro, trying to do this and that, and we end up not knowing whether we are coming or going.

Soul busyness is when our minds are spinning with worry or fear, and our hearts are heavy with care. Soul busyness explains how you can be on vacation, lying in a hammock with your eyes closed, and still be physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted.

What’s the prescription for busyness of soul? Jesus provides the answer. After expending energy healing the sick and feeding well over five thousand people, he desperately craved alone time with his Father. He knew that only the Father could provide the energy and counsel he needed. He just needed to be still and seek the Father.

God also desires some alone time with us. He can replenish our depleted energy and provide the wise counsel we need to keep going. When we seek him, he will be found.

• I am here for you.

• I can replenish you.

God, I sometimes run myself in circles and wind up exhausted. I truly need to be alone with you, to bask in your glory, to lean on your strength. I’m grateful that when I seek you I will find you.


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