
God Changes Your Mindset

God Changes Your Mindset

This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.
Hebrews 10:16

“How can I change?” is one of the great questions of the ages.


Modern “experts” propose all sorts of solutions but many of the more popular answers are nothing more than slick self-help plans. As one frustrated soul put it, “I’m convinced the problem is me, so I’m not really motivated to look within myself for answers.”

In many ways, this is the message of the Bible. We are messed-up people in need of rescue (see Jeremiah 17:9).

The help comes in the form of God’s new covenant—not a list of external rules, but radical transformation at the heart level. When we trust Christ, and his Spirit takes up residence in our lives, we are fundamentally and forever changed. He gives us new desires and a new way of thinking (see Romans 12:2). Together that equals a new way of living.

• I will give you a new heart and mindset.

• I will change your desires.

Thank you, God, for your new covenant. Guide me according to the truth that you have written on my heart. I want to obey you. Make me willing to do your will today.

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