
God Controls Every Situation

God Controls Every Situation

Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, “My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.”
Isaiah 46:9-10

We love feeling “on top of things.” We like to believe that we are “in command” of our life situation. We loathe feeling “out of control.”


But control is an illusion. We can’t script our days any more than we can plan out next week’s weather. The reality of life is that life throws curve balls. People act and react in unexpected ways. Each new day brings events we did not plan. You would think that we’d catch on to the fact that we’re mere mortals and that we actually control very little.

The promise above is a good reminder for those times when our plans don’t work out. The promise tells us that God is in control. Coupling that truth with the fact that God is good is the first step to finding peace in busy, tense or unexpected situations.

• I am God.

• I am in charge of history.

• My plans cannot be thwarted.

Your fingerprints, O Lord, are all over human history. Thank you, God, for being in control of not only my life, but the whole world. You alone know the future and can orchestrate the events of life. Keep me from foolishly believing that I can plan out my life. Give me the grace to trust that you know best and that you will work for my good and your glory.

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