
God Created Everything To Bring Him Glory

God Created Everything To Bring Him Glory

You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.
Revelation 4:11

Interspersed between Revelation’s graphic descriptions of terrible judgment “as it will be” on earth are several incredible glimpses of heaven “as it is.”


The unearthly colors. The strange and fantastic creatures. John has no words for such sights. Consequently he struggles to find comparisons, using the word “like” more than 60 times.

Yet when it comes to describing heaven’s top priority, John has no difficulty. Everything and everyone is focused on God. The Lord God Almighty is the revered center. He is the adored One. The indescribable One on the throne is the recipient of thunderous praise and unceasing worship.

Interesting, isn’t it? Those with the clearest view of ultimate, eternal reality understand that everything—everything!—was made by God and for God. All things and all people were created to point to God, to exalt him, to serve him, to make much of him.

Is that true of your life? God gave you breath so that you might give him praise. Have you given yourself back to God for that purpose?

• I made you for my purpose and my glory.

Great God of heaven, grant that I might see you as you truly are, and that I might worship and glorify you as you truly deserve.

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