
God Disciplines His Sinning Children

God Disciplines His Sinning Children

When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy on me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer.
Psalm 32:3-4

All good and wise parents discipline their children. The precise methods vary, but the goal is the same: to train kids to choose right, healthy, God-honoring courses of action. Negative consequences are one disciplinary tool. When certain misbehaviors consistently meet with unpleasant results, a child will eventually amend his or her actions.


God uses this same process with his children. Hebrews 12 explains this “divine discipline” procedure, and Psalm 32 gives us a real-life example. King David had sinned (presumably with Bathsheba). For a while, David refused to acknowledge or turn from his sin. The result was God-induced misery, and a loss of spiritual and likely even physical strength.

It’s always wise in the midst of a tough time to ask God if your troubles are a form of divine discipline. Sometimes your messes are self-made.

• I will discipline you, my child, when you stubbornly refuse to confess your sin.

Your hand of discipline, God, lays heavy on believers who are in sin. You correct your children, Lord, not out of spite or anger, but out of love and concern. You want what is best for each one of us. Thank you for the security of knowing that your love is tough. It will not let me go.

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