
God Disciplines You Because He Delights In You

God Disciplines You Because He Delights In You

My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.
Proverbs 3:11-12

“This will hurt me more than it hurts you.” Have you heard those words? They’re usually spoken in regard to discipline. We give the advice in these verses to our precious children when we discipline them. We certainly train them never to ignore us, and we also hope that they will not be discouraged by our discipline.


Loving discipline teaches our children what is right while showing them that we discipline them because we love them. So it is with God. Like a loving father he disciplines us because he wants us to mature and to act correctly and responsibly. He disciplines us because he delights in us.

Holding on to this truth isn’t always easy, especially when we are in the middle of being disciplined by God. We typically get angry or discouraged. Yet discipline, like pruning, is necessary and beneficial. We need to pray that we will not be discouraged but, instead, see God’s discipline as evidence that he delights in us.

• I may discipline you at times, but only because I am a loving Father who corrects the child in whom I delight.

Lord, you say that you correct me because you love me and delight in me. I admit that I don’t always see your discipline this way. Help me to grasp the truth that you are disciplining me because you delight in me. Thank you for being a loving Father who cares enough to teach me what is right.

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