
God Exalts His Servants

God Exalts His Servants

Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave.
Matthew 20:26-27

The world has it all backwards. The world ascribes greatness to those who are excessively ambitious. The world applauds the proud who are willing to do almost anything to climb to the top of the heap. To the world’s way of thinking, such obsession for glory is the true measure of success.


Jesus has other ideas. He tells his followers that the way up is down. If we want to be great from heaven’s perspective, we must be willing to take the place of a lowly servant.

Today as you move out into a world that has embraced values that are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus, remember that the arrogant and self-serving face eventual humiliation. Only the humble will be honored in the end, when the stakes are eternal.

• I honor those who serve.

Lord, give me the grace to choose the way of servanthood. I want to imitate you. Help me to put others’ needs and desires before my own. Your Word teaches that true reward awaits those who humble themselves in loving service. Keep me from the tendency to be busy, to be driven, to step on others and to exalt myself.

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