
God Gave His Son For You

God Gave His Son For You

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

Christians write this Bible reference on signs and hold them up for the TV cameras at big sporting events. Christ-following football stars scribble it in their eye black and sometimes on their shoes. Why the obsession with this particular verse? Because as much as (or more than) any other passage of Scripture, this one sentence summarizes the message of the Bible.


This verse speaks of God’s breathtaking, proactive, lavish, sacrificial love for a rebellious human race. God couldn’t bear to see people perish, so he sent a Savior, Jesus Christ, his one and only Son. The verse promises that anyone—anyone at all—can have new life, eternal life, through faith alone in Christ alone.

Here’s something to consider. You are part of the world. That means God loves you. Christ died for you. Christ offers eternal life to you.

Can you think of a message more worth pondering … or embracing … or sharing?

• I love you.

• If you believe in my Son, you will have eternal life.

God, this is an amazing verse about an amazing truth, and it comes with an amazing promise. Please cause that promise to take root in my heart in a deep, new way.

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