
God Gives Confirmation That You Are His Child

God Gives Confirmation That You Are His Child

So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.
Galatians 4:7

Nothing can send a believer into a tailspin of doubt like long-term trials or short-term crises.


Why is all this happening to me? I can’t believe a loving God would let his own children go through such trauma—so, maybe that means I’m not really his child?

In the midst of such turmoil we need the comfort of the promise above. It is found in the midst of the apostle Paul’s explanation of our spiritual adoption into God’s family at salvation. For an adoption to be legal in ancient Roman culture, seven witnesses were required to attest to the validity of the proceedings.

In essence, Paul is saying that we are truly God’s children. God has made us heirs with his Son Jesus. That means we have all of the legal rights that Jesus has.

If you are struggling in this area, ask a friend today, “How and where do you see God at work in my life?”

• My Spirit provides assurance that you are my child.

O Father, in times of trial, I am bombarded by doubts. Tough times often make me wonder if I really am your child. Thank you for the presence of your Spirit, who provides assurance that I belong to you.

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