
God Gives You A New Heart

God Gives You A New Heart

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.
Ezekiel 36:26-27

When we’re born, our parents take care of us, clothe us and teach us. In many ways, we become versions of them. Brought into the world as blank slates, our parents help shape who we are.


As a believer in Christ, we’re part of another family. Committing ourselves to God, we offer up all that we were so that we can be remade. Once his, God does just that—he remakes us so that we may become a version of him. Though sin makes us an imperfect version, we can still aspire to be like our Father.

Being born again gives us a new start. God takes our slate and erases all the evil and sin, leaving only the good. He take our hearts, hardened by the hurt and sin and evil in the world, and gives us hearts of flesh, able to accept his love and share it. He gives us the Holy Spirit, clothes us in his righteousness and teaches us through his Word. We have a chance now, no longer shaped into who we are but rather into what we should be.

• Through me, you can be a new creation.

• The Holy Spirit is a gift I will never withhold.

• I can soften your hardened heart.

Lord, thank you for giving me new life in you. I rededicate myself to you as your servant. Help me to continue to follow your ways and learn from your Word.

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