
God Gives You His Spirit

God Gives You His Spirit

When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
John 16:13

Salvation would have been fantastic even if God had only canceled out our sins. We would have had ample reason for praise if God had merely guaranteed to get us to heaven one day. But God did so much more.


He not only granted full forgiveness and the staggering promise of eternity with him, he also comes to live within us, guiding us into “all the truth.”

Do you see the implications? We are not alone. We are not weak. We have not been left without guidance. And it gets even better. The Spirit’s presence assures us of infinite future blessings.

When life goes haywire, you don’t have to scramble around looking for God. He’s with you. He’s in you. He’s also for you.

• I own you.

• I have placed my Spirit in your heart.

Your Spirit, God, lives within me. Thank you for your powerful presence. I want to live a holy life so you will feel at home in my heart. I want to yield to you. I want to follow your lead. Cause your power to flow through me today.

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