
God Gives You The Belt Of Truth

God Gives You The Belt Of Truth

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.
Ephesians 6:14

God promises that we can stand firm even in the heat of battle, but we need his armor. The first piece is the belt of truth.


A Roman soldier’s belt was about six inches wide; it held together his clothing and provided a holding place for some of the other pieces of armor and weapons. The belt was the foundation of the soldier’s armor.

The foundation of our armor is the belt of truth. The truth of the gospel is the foundation of the Christian life. As we strap on the belt of truth, we are making the truth of God our foundation, the standard by which we measure everything else. We are also stating our conviction of the truth of our faith, the certainty that Jesus is “the truth” (see John 14:6).

Knowing and believing in the truth will help us stand strong against the enemy in any battle.

• You will be able to stand your ground when you are wearing the sturdy belt of truth.

Lord, you promise that we can stand strong in any battle if we wear your armor. I choose to wear your sturdy belt of truth. May it help me stand firm against false doctrines.

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