
God Guarantees You A Wonderful Future

God Guarantees You A Wonderful Future

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.
Ephesians 1:18

Many people are uncertain about the future. Some worry. Some listen to a daily parade of “experts” on radio or TV. Still others read voraciously and surf the Internet religiously in an attempt to spot trends. More than a few confused souls consult astrologers and other similar scam artists.


Christians should not be among these who fret about what’s to come. Not that we know what tomorrow holds, much less next year. In a fallen world terrible things happen. Life can turn ugly quickly and even the righteous are not immune to times of darkness and suffering.

However, God has promised us, in the ultimate sense, a wonderful future. Read Revelation 21 and 22 if you want to know what’s ahead. Seriously, read those chapters and then try not to feel hopeful. It’s hard to do.

• I have a wonderful future planned for you.

Help me to see, God, not just my present troubles, but the future you have planned for me. Flood my heart with your light. You assure me that a wonderful future awaits. I need to take the long-term view. Keep me from impatience and faithlessness.

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