
God Guards You From Evil

God Guards You From Evil

The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life.
Psalm 121:7

In a world that has rebelled against its Creator, bad things do happen, and no one is exempt.


With such a sobering truth in mind, many spend their lives nervously, busily and futilely trying to ward off all pain and danger. A better, more Biblical approach is expressed in the promise above.

The verse is from Psalm 121, a hymn of trust sung often by ancient pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. The verse expresses the calm confidence that God watches over his people. He has us firmly in his heart and hands.

Obviously, this promise is not a guarantee that Christians will never be touched by evil (see the whole book of Acts). Rather it is an assurance that evil will not ultimately triumph over us (see Luke 12:4). We are eternally safe (see John 10:27-29).

The next time you are frightened by a disturbing situation in your life, rather than expending great time and effort trying to protect yourself, busy yourself remembering that in the Lord you are absolutely and eternally safe.

• I will keep you from evil.

• I will preserve your life.

God, your assurance to your followers is that you will keep them from all evil. Thank you, Lord, that though evil may come, it has no power over me. I believe that you will, as promised, preserve my life. I want to live with the confidence that I am safe in you. Keep me busy trusting, not worrying!

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