
God Has An Eternal Place Prepared For You

God Has An Eternal Place Prepared For You

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
John 14:2-3

“There’s no place like home!” Dorothy admits at the climax of The Wizard of Oz, prompting us to brush the tears away. Why do we feel such powerful yearnings for “home”?


Something in us longs for a place where we are safe, secure and comfortable. Home, ideally, is where we don’t have to put on a front. It’s where those who love and accept us unconditionally await us and welcome us with glad hearts and open arms.

While it’s not wrong to love going home, whether it’s our childhood home or the place we live now, it is vital that we remember our ultimate home is in the world to come. Jesus is building a heavenly residence for us the likes of which we cannot imagine.

• I am preparing a heavenly home for you.

• I will come for you.

• You will be with me forever.

O Lord, the most magnificent mansion on earth pales in comparison to the home you are building for me in heaven. I will live with you in a perfect place for all eternity. Thank you for the promise that you will send Jesus to get me and escort me to my true home.

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