
God Has Given You A New Identity

God Has Given You A New Identity

Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Philippians 3:20

What do Christians mean when they say, “this world is not my home”? What is the Bible saying when it calls us “citizens of heaven”?


In 42 BC the Macedonian city of Philippi became a Roman colony. A few years later the Emperor Octavian ordered thousands of Italian people to relocate there. Though far from their homeland these expatriates enjoyed all the privileges of full Roman citizenship.

The apostle Paul used this situation to help the Philippian Christians understand that followers of Christ are “foreigners and exiles” (1 Peter 2:11) in this world. We’re here only temporarily, and only by our “Emperor’s” orders. Our true citizenship is in heaven (see John 14:2-3). Our current troubles and trials will not last forever. One day our service will be complete, and we will be summoned home.

• I have made you a citizen of heaven—this world is not your home.

What joy to know that I’m listed among the residents of eternity. I praise you, God! Thank you for giving me eternal life. Though this life is filled with trouble, I know I’m only passing through. Grant me an eternal mindset so I can endure the temporal difficulties that come my way.

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