
God Has Given You New Longings

God Has Given You New Longings

So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.
Galatians 5:16-17

Here’s a statement no Christian can rightfully make: “I don’t want to do what God says.” Such a declaration simply doesn’t fit with what God’s Word tells us.


When we put our faith in Christ and the Holy Spirit took up residence inside us, we were fundamentally changed. We were given new life, new standing with God, a new nature and new desires—new longings to please God, to obey him, to do and be what he asks.

Do we want to worship God in the midst of difficulty? Yes! Whether we sense such a holy desire or not, the fact is, it is part of us. Do we feel like worshiping? Maybe not on the surface, but worship is the deep longing of our redeemed hearts. Such a desire must be in us—because God is in us.

The goal of the walk of faith is to live out the new longings that God has already planted within us. At no time is this more crucial than when we are going through difficulty.

• I have given you my Spirit.

• As you listen to the Spirit’s counsel, you will live as you should.

Thank you, God, for coming to live inside me. Teach me to make decisions based, not on feelings, but on the facts of your Word. Show me how to follow the leading of the Spirit. Continue to help me understand the truth that you have filled me with longings that honor you.

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