
God Has Provided All You Need

God Has Provided All You Need

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3

Maybe you’ve seen on TV the cycling enthusiasts who race annually from California to New York. Averaging some 20 hours of furious pedaling daily, these amazing athletes zip through deserts, mountains and cities—almost three thousand miles total—in less than one week.


How in the world do they do it? Here’s the secret: Each rider is followed by a three- to four-person support team in a fully-equipped RV. Everyone and everything the cyclist might need—a coach, mechanic, massage therapist, trainer/nurse, dietician, chef, cheerleader, plus food, water, and spare bikes and parts—can be found in that chase vehicle.

In a similar but much more glorious way, God has provided us with all the spiritual blessings needed to make it through the most difficult parts of the race of life.

• I am the God who blesses.

• I have already given you every spiritual blessing you need to live in a fallen world.

O God, thank you for your abundant blessings. How easy it is to forget that you are the source of every good thing. Because of Christ, I have been given every spiritual blessing I need. When I feel empty and dry, remind me that you stand ready to give me whatever I need.

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