
God Has Rescued You From Sin And Death

God Has Rescued You From Sin And Death

It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.
Ephesians 2:8

“Not seeing the forest for the trees” is the phrase often used to describe a person who has lost perspective. It’s when you get so immersed in countless little details, that you no longer see the big picture. In the spiritual realm, if you lose this overarching sense of “Why?” you also lose the important element of “Wow!” Weariness and a loss of motivation are sure to follow.


One solution for this common condition is to push the pause button on your hectic life and spend some time reflecting on the great salvation you have in Christ. Imagine being an enemy of God (see Romans 5:10 and Colossians 1:21). You once were! Consider the awful thought of your sins being counted against you. They once did! But now, because of Christ, everything is changed. You are clean, forgiven, accepted.

That is God’s amazing gift to you.

• I have saved you.

• My salvation is a gift.

God, you have saved me from an empty existence now and an awful existence in eternity. Thank you for this wonderful, undeserved gift. Keep me from losing sight of what you’ve done for me. Even in the midst of a crazy, busy day, remind me of the big picture—that I am your beloved child.

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