
God Helps The Weak

God Helps The Weak

Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31

Modern life has a way of grinding us down. At the end of a hectic day, we feel tired. By the end of an activity-filled week, we are dragging. After an extended period of nonstop busyness, we feel physically spent and emotionally wasted. What’s the answer for those who find themselves weak of body and weary of soul? “Hope in the Lord”—a concept that includes waiting for God to move.


This rare discipline of waiting requires temporarily ceasing your activity (perhaps a half-day retreat or a quiet evening of reflection). It involves analyzing your situation with God’s help (talking—and listening). Waiting obviously involves patience (being still, not watching the clock, focusing on being with God rather than doing for God). Lastly, waiting involves actively trusting God to meet your need for fresh strength—and all your other needs (see Philippians 4:19).

The weak soul who “hope[s] in the Lord” will once again become a strong soul.

• I give strength to those whose hope is in me.

• Those who look to me will fly high and run far; they will never run out of power.

O Lord, you promise strength to the weak. I am weak, Father. I sometimes feel I can’t go on. Without your power, I cannot live as I should. In you there is new power to fly and run and persevere. I want to experience your limitless strength so that I can serve you faithfully and be a light for you in a dark world.

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