
God Honors Your Faith

God Honors Your Faith

Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Hebrews 11:6

Busyness and faith are uneasy neighbors. Busyness says: “Don’t just stand there! Do something! Get it done! Get moving! Get busy! Rush! Go! Now! Quick! Work! Press! Push! Hurry! Finish! More! More! More!” In contrast, faith says: “Don’t just ‘do something.’ Stand there. Be quiet. Be still. Wait. Seek. Listen. Trust. Obey. Go against the flow.”


Our world prizes busyness. Who gets praised and promoted? Lots of times it’s the person with the fullest schedule, the one who logs the most hours at the office.

God, on the other hand, values faith. Without deep trust in the invisible realities of life, the Bible says we’ll never encounter the living God or experience the incomparable blessings he wants to give us.

At the end of the day, isn’t that what we really want?

• You cannot please me apart from faith.

• I reward those who seek after me.

Without faith, God, I cannot please you. Forgive me for the times I wrongly imagine that a busy life is the way to fulfillment. Real faith believes that you, the God of the Bible, are the one true God. O Heavenly Father, deepen my trust in you. Reveal yourself to me in new ways.

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