
God Is Always With You

God Is Always With You

Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:20

Despite a Herculean effort, Susan isn’t able get to the pharmacy, the colleague’s surprise birthday dinner, and two soccer games between 5:15 and 7:00 p.m. Meanwhile, her husband Jason has so much going on at work and so much on his mind at home, that “even when he’s there, he’s not there.”


What is the lesson in this scenario? Our busyness typically leads to absence. Which is precisely why it is so helpful to remember today’s promise. Our busyness does not alter the Lord’s presence in our lives.

Just before he departed physically from the world, Jesus assured his followers that he would remain with them spiritually in every situation. It’s fitting that Matthew would conclude his Gospel with such a statement since he began it by describing Christ as Immanuel, which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23).

The next time you feel overwhelmed and alone in an endless sea of obligations, remember that Jesus is with you. He won’t ever leave you. Will you acknowledge him, lean on him and enjoy his companionship?

• I am with you.

• I’ll always be with you.

• You can be sure of this!

O Lord Jesus, you promised your followers you’d be with them always. Though my busyness and activity often disconnects me from others, it never separates me from you. Your promise is reliable in a world where most promises are not. Thank you, Lord, for the permanent nature of your promise.

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