
God Is Your Father

God Is Your Father

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.
John 1:12

There’s a scene in the classic Christmas movie It’s a Wonderful Life where a delivery boy named George Bailey is told to take some diphtheria medicine to the Blaine family. He hesitates. He’s pretty sure the druggist, despondent over the death of his own son, has inadvertently put poison powder in the capsules. Frozen in indecision George looks up to see a Sweet Caporal advertising sign on the wall, which reads simply, “Ask Dad. He Knows.” He grabs the box of pills and dashes out the door to his father’s office.


What a great picture of the privilege we have as Christians. When we acknowledge Christ as our Savior, he not only forgives our sin, he makes us children of God. This means in the confusing busyness of everyday life, we have a perfect Father who is always glad to help and guide us.

• You are my child if you believe and accept my Son.

Lord Jesus, I do believe in you. I have accepted you as my Savior and Lord. Thank you for revealing yourself to me. Thank you for saving me. Because of your grace and my faith, I am a child of the living God. I praise you! What a privilege! What joy to know that in every situation I have a loving, wise and good heavenly Father to counsel me.

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