
God Is Your Refuge

God Is Your Refuge

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1

Europe is the home of countless stunning castles. Many are now decaying and moss-covered, but they still proudly remind us of a time when the world was very different. Those castles were places of safety, built on the hilltops. They were places of refuge and strength.


The psalmist describes God as a refuge and strength. As our refuge, he is a place to run to when we need protection in times of trouble. As our strength, he provides what we need to keep on fighting. When life gets the better of us, we can run to the refuge and hide behind its thick walls, knowing we are safe. Then, after we’ve had a time of rest, God enables us to face the trouble again.

Do you know God as your refuge? When the battle gets thick and trouble surrounds you, God will give you the strength you need to face the trouble at hand.

• I will be a refuge for you in times of trouble.

• I will give you the strength you need.

Lord, I need a place to run to for safety. Times of trouble are inevitable. Even today I need your strength. Your Word says you are always ready to help in times of trouble. Thank you for that promise.

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