
God Keeps You From Falling

God Keeps You From Falling

The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.
Psalm 37:23-24

When is the last time you walked across an icy parking lot? Maybe you avoided doing so out of fear that you would fall. One false move and you’d slip and break your arm or leg.


We sometimes have this tentative approach to life, fearing that we’ll slip in some way. The Lord understands our frailty. He promises to direct our steps. And even though we will stumble, God promises that we won’t fall, for he will hold us up.

When we ask for God’s direction for our lives, we can also pray for the humility to follow God’s guidance … step-by-step. Rarely does he give us the big picture; rarely does he show us the destination. Instead, he expects us to follow him with baby steps, to follow in the daily details of our lives.

There will be difficulty, failure and frustration, and days when we might stumble. But God promises that we will not fall, for he holds us up.

• I direct your steps

• I delight in the details of your life.

• I will not let you fall.

Lord, I’m grateful that you promise to direct my steps. I trust that you will hold me tightly with your hand. Please give me encouragement, comfort and an arm on which to lean.

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