God Knows You Intimately
You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.
Psalm 139:1-2
Chances are good as you rush through a typically hectic week you sometimes feel misunderstood. A co-worker gives you a strange look. A family member overreacts to an innocent remark.
Chances are also good that some days you don’t even understand yourself. “Why did I do that?” you sigh. Or “What in the world made me say that?”
Well, here’s a bit of comfort: God understands you completely. He made you, and he knows what makes you tick. Your thoughts, your whereabouts, your needs—God sees it all.
Next time you—or others—are having trouble getting a handle on you, turn to the one with perfect knowledge and insight. Rest in the knowledge of his absolute acceptance.
• I see your heart.
• I know your thoughts and actions—everything about you.
Heavenly Father, you have examined my heart. You see me as I truly am—my failings and flaws, as well as my successes. Thank you for accepting me and for choosing to love and care for me. Help me to rest in your love. I want to follow your guidance.