
God Liberates You From Trouble

God Liberates You From Trouble

This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.
Psalm 34:6

If you have a child, can you imagine ever ignoring your child’s cry for help? Seems inconceivable, right? Yet we sometimes think the Lord turns a deaf ear to our cries. Our desperate prayers seem to bounce weakly off the ceiling. Or so we think. But don’t be fooled. He hears.


We sometimes imagine God chooses not to help us when we are in trouble. Maybe he’s angry with us, we reason. But that is not true. He is at work.

No matter what we think or how we feel, God is a compassionate Father. He may not solve our problems in the way we’d like. He doesn’t always work according to our timetable. But the promise above assures us that those who turn to him will find help—and courage—in times of trouble.

• I hear your cries when you are in trouble.

• I will set you free from your fears.

Lord, you hear my cries when I’m in trouble. What a blessing to know you care for me! Thank you for being a loving God. Thank you for listening to my pleas. Teach me to cast my cares on you and leave them there.

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