
God Longs To Be Close To You

God Longs To Be Close To You

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
Revelation 3:20

These words of Jesus are often used in sharing the gospel. Those who are not yet followers of Christ are urged to open the door of their hearts and let Jesus come in.


But if we look at the context of this verse, we find that Jesus is actually speaking to believers. The book of Revelation was written by John to Christians. Apparently, they had somehow gotten so busy or sidetracked that Jesus had been excluded from their lives.

Perhaps this is an apt description of your current situation. Is Christ on the outside of your life (or at least your thoughts and plans), looking in? But he knocks. He waits. All that is required for you to once again enjoy his company is to hear him and swing open the door of your heart. There he will be—your faithful, loving Savior, Guide and Friend.

• I am near you.

• I want your attention.

• If you let me, I will be your intimate friend

O, Lord, you are always near and always desirous of my attention. Forgive me for the times I ignore you or push you to the edges of my life. You deserve the central place. Whenever I hear you calling and knocking, help me to open myself to you so that we can enjoy rich intimacy together.

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