
God Makes You Able

God Makes You Able

Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.
2 Corinthians 3:4-5

In what situations do you feel incompetent or ineffective? Maybe you lack a certain personality trait. Perhaps you’re inexperienced or untrained.


The apostle Paul was familiar with such helpless feelings. Once he was concerned about the young church he had begun in Corinth. The church members were struggling—not always successfully—to live for God in a godless culture. To make matters worse, a band of false teachers had come along and begun to question Paul’s motives and attempted to undermine all his ministry efforts.

In the face of such pressure and opposition, Paul might have limped away into the darkness. Instead, he remembered that God gives strength in weakness (see 2 Corinthians 12:9-10). He plowed ahead, relying fully on God and believing that God would somehow work in and through him. And, of course, God did.

There are lessons galore here for us. But the biggest is this simple truth: God is able to make you able.

• I give power and success.

• I give you the ability to have a lasting impact.

Lord, teach me the art of looking to you instead of at my problems. Remind me that anything of lasting value in my life is because of you, not me. Power and success come from you. Give me eyes of faith that I might press on even when I feel I’m in over my head.

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